2201 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN, 55405 Everspring Health - Clinic Directions

Treatment Strategies


Integrative Oncology

The Everspring Integrative Oncology treatment strategy is focused on one thing - Quality of Life - before, during and after treatment. We work seamlessly with any existing treatment program you're involved in, providing comprehensive support tailored to your individual needs. Our clinical approach emphasizes resilience as the clinical endpoint, namely we do everything we can to keep you strong during treatment. You are in the treatment program you are in for a reason, to help it succeed our goal is to keep your whole self - body, mind, and spirit - as resilient as possible to make sure you complete the program. The integration of various therapeutic helps us meet your needs at any given point along your treatment and recovery journey.

Healthy Weight

At Everspring Health, our pursuit of healthy weight involves creating a solid awareness of how stress, diet and sleep influence our body composition. Too often we are made to believe that a healthy body is an extension of healthy weight, when in reality healthy weight is an extension of a healthy body and healthy mind. The people who are credited with the healthiest and longest lives focus on living good and fulfilling lives, they don't chase marketing fads. They eat real food, they relax alone and socialize with friends, they move as a natural part of their day and their weight naturally corresponds with this reality. There is no issue in pursuing healthy weight as a primary goal but the most successful people who pursue this goal embrace the fundamentals of health and build it into who they are and the lifestyle they lead. By creating a foundation of healthy fundamentals it allows us to understand the principles of healthy weight and a true reliable resource evolves, one where we can always return to for reliable results. The Everspring Health healthy weight program focuses on awareness in our daily lives, on nourishment of our body and mind, where healthy movement is a natural extension of our day. The fundamentals begin with awareness. Awareness is focused on three lifestyle factors: stress, diet, and sleep because these three things influence all disease and are primary fundamental principles in the pursuit of healthy body composition. When discussing stress we are looking to reduce inflammatory burden on the body which is demanding on tissues and creates waste products that can interfere with healthy cellular function. Impaired cellular function then leads to impaired cellular metabolism, which plays a key role in our metabolism as a whole. As we are able to get waste out of the way, we want to leverage diet to make sure each cell gets the nourishment it needs to optimally function so the body can safely lose weight. Sleep then becomes key time to remove waste from the body and the to make sure the cells and tissues get a change to repair to function at their optimal level. Once we establish a connection to our body and awareness of how our lifestyle habits influences our body then we seek to understand how movement influences our day. For many, we have the opportunity to move more in our day than we might realize. We should first seek to maximize this opportunity as this fits right into our daily life. From here we can begin to seek other opportunities to move in ways that are both enjoyable and productive. The key here is to seek to move in a way that is sustainable and productive. Too often, our ambitions lead to burnout or injury and our troubled relationship with weight continues. At Everspring Health we talk about the value of a healthy life and the relationship with a healthy body, mind and spirit. We seek to help you create achievable health goals and create a lifestyle that results in long-term optimal weight and overall health. We use clinical therapies to help improve digestion, regulate metabolism and reduce stress. As movement and exercise plays a more key role, we help you develop a program that will balance workouts with proper rest because that is most productive. We help you develop a personalized dietary plan, which will help you sustain a long term healthy weight and empower you to understand how food influences your life. Ultimately, we create a space where you can be healthy, and then we let your weight adjust to your improved level of health.

Digestive Disorders

Digestive issues cost the US $51 billion a year and are some of the most common challenges individuals face on a daily basis. Many people think that some of these issues are ‘normal’ and are just a part of life but they don't have to be. The variety of issues individuals experience can be quite diverse: abdominal bloating or pain, frequent gas, fatigue, irregular bowel movements, low appetite, excessive hunger, GERD, IBS, IBD, Crohns disease, Colitis, SIBO, C Diff and many more. Whether you experience mild and uncomfortable symptoms or you have a more severe digestive challenge, these issues can be reduced and often controlled quite effectively. At Everspring Health, we can usually do something right away to give you short-term relief from your digestive disorder while developing a personalized health program seeking to eliminate to condition as much as possible. We start by learning everything we can about your past and current health history in order to form an accurate diagnosis. You will be educated on how diet and stress affect how you feel, as well as how sleep affects the digestive tract. Herbal and dietary therapies are often a primary strategy, alongside acupuncture and massage. Each person is different – some people will need to come in more frequently, while others will need to return less. We can find a long-term solution with time and patience.

Back Pain

Back pain is the leading cause of workplace disability worldwide and one of the most common issues we deal with here at Everspring Health. From repetitive stress injuries to sprains and strains* to poor posture to back pain with unknown causes, we see it all. So, when you come in to see us we begin by looking at your history with back pain and all possible influential factors: where it came from, what it feels like, if it changes based on varying activities, body movements, temperatures, seasons, or times of day. We want to know everything we can about your experience in order to develop a treatment strategy that will work for you, specifically. Acupuncture and massage are used to help relieve as much of the immediate pain as possible and begin the normalization the muscle tissue. We use therapeutic methods like trigger point release, positional release and physical exercises to seek to correct the impeded functional range and retrain the tissue. Our integrative approach partners chiropractic and physical therapy as a part of an effective treatment program. We fully examine lifestyle habits stress, diet, sleep, posture and use further observations to improve your body’s ability move through range of motion to ideally alleviate pain permanently. If you have a current course of treatment – like chiropractic, physical therapy or surgery – we’ll work with your doctors to provide the best relief possible. *The difference between a sprain and a strain is that a sprain injures the bands of tissue that connect two bones together, while a strain involves an injury to a muscle or to the tendon that attaches a muscle to a bone.

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a syndrome characterized by extreme fatigue that is generally not linked to another underlying medical condition. The fatigue tends to get worse with physical or mental demands and is often not improved even with sufficient rest. Symptoms often include challenges sleeping, chronic pain, foggy head and digestive disorders. The CDC estimates that 836,000 to 2.5 million Americans suffer from CFS and about 90 percent of people with CFS have not been diagnosed.

Women's Health

Do you ever feel like your body's natural cycles are holding you back instead of lifting you up? You're not alone. Society often brushes off the discomforts of PMS and menopause as "normal," leaving many women to suffer in silence. But here's the truth: you deserve better. Your well-being matters, and there are effective therapies available to help you reclaim control over your body and live your life to the fullest.

Eye Health

Don't take your eyes for granted. The Everspring Eye Health treatment strategy is individualized to address the unique needs of our patients. Family history can play a key role in eye health, however, there are three general anatomical differentials for eye disorders - neurological, muscle and moisture regulation. Our goal with your program is to understand how stress, diet and sleep influence your current state of health and help build a strategy to address eye conditions and maintain eye health for as long as possible.

Skin Health

The skin is the largest organ in the body and is often a reflection of our systemic health. When we observe how the skin reacts to stressors we can often catch chronic or even potentially serious issues early. The most common issues people face include acne, bug bites, cold sores, eczema, hives, ringworm, rashes, psoriasis and shingles. Many of us suffer from these common skin issues that can range from an inconvenience to something demanding enough to consume or interfere with our daily lives.


40 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders each year, with an additional 20 million suffering from occasional sleep problems, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. It’s common for people to have trouble sleeping – it can be seen as a normal and acceptable discomfort that some of us simply have to deal with. In reality, insomnia, unproductive sleep, or other sleeping issues are not something you should have to deal with.